The Main Street Grant Program is offered by The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to finance projects that preserve the historic architecture and design of historic homes and buildings in the downtown or “main street” areas. Grants can also be used to convert unused buildings into affordable homes for rent. Grants are given to areas with less than 50,000 residents and 100 public housing units. Local government agencies are eligible to apply for these dollar-for-dollar matching grants.
These grants do not have to be repaid. Funds cover costs including equipment, supplies and labor and administrative costs. Contact HUD, 451 7th Street SW, Washington DC 20410 or call 202-708-1112 for information. You might also find information at
The National Park Service partners with other non-profit organizations to provide dollar-for-dollar matching grants to preserve and conserve significant historic, intellectual and cultural properties within the US. This includes historic buildings, structures, parks, sites, districts and landmarks. Intellectual collections, documents and cultural artwork and sculptures may also be covered. Eligible applicants include deferral, state, local and tribal government agencies and non-profit organizations. Contact Historic Preservation Grants, National Park Service, 1201 “Eye” Street NW (2256), Washington DC 20005 or call 202-354-2020. Site is http://www.nps.Gov.